Querying the Github GraphQL API with Kotlin

We are going to show how to query a GraphQL API using the Apollo GraphQL Android Client. It is not Android only and can be used by any Java/Kotlin project. We are going to use this client with Kotlin to show how to get started! For this, we are going to use a popular GraphQL endpoint that is publicly available, namely the Github API. Configuring the project Before we can start, we are going to set up a project with…

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Animated Bar Chart with Flutter Hooks

In this blog post, we described how to use animations to animate a bar chart. In this blog post were are going to add another possible way to animate the bar chart. We are going to use Flutter Hooks to extract the disposing and setup of the animation controller into the hook. This means we do not have to do this for each animation we want to create in our application. Configuring the project Before we can start with coding,…

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Animated Line Chart in Flutter

We are going to show how to draw and animate a line chart in Flutter. There are two different animations we would like to show, but first, we are going to show how to draw the static line chart. We are going to use the formula one standing after each race for the top three. First, we will draw the outline of the chart. Afterward, we will add the points and the lines, and finally, we will animate the chart!…

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Checkbox Form Validation with Ant Design

I was working on a simple form in React that needed a checkbox before being allowed to submit. You have to accept the terms and conditions or privacy policy. I used the Ant Design for the React components and since I struggled with adding this ‘simple’ condition, I decided to share my solution. Let’s start by creating a simple form. This form contains one Input field and one checkbox. import React from 'react'; import {Form, Input, Button, Checkbox} from 'antd';…

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Tic Tac Toe with Animations

In the last post, we showed how to create Tic Tac Toe in Flutter. We used the CustomPainter to draw the different elements in Tic Tac Toe. The main reason for that was to make it easier to add animations. This is exactly what we are going to do now. First, we are going to draw the crosses and animate the lines one by one. After that we are going to add the animation for the circle and finally we…

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Tic Tac Toe in Flutter

In this blog, we are going to create a simple tic tac toe app. Since we are not the first to do this, we are going to focus mostly on the drawing of the parts. This is because we are going to describe how to animate different parts in the next blog. We are going to use the CustomPainter to draw the element of the game. This might complicate things a bit now, but this does make it easier to…

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Creating Bar Charts Animations with CustomPainter

In this blog, we are going to show you how to animate the bars of a bar chart. First, we will show you how to draw some basic bar chart. After that we will show you how to animate the following bar chart with three animations: Creating a basic bar chart Since the main goal of this post to show the animation of the charts, we will keep the drawing of the chart simple. We are going to use a…

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React to changes in CustomPaint Widgets

After describing in the last post how to detect which CustomPaint widgets are clicked, the next step is me was to change the widgets. First, I’m going to show how to do this with a simple example that contains three different CustomPainter widgets. After that, I will show you how to do the same for the List of CustomPaint Widgets. Changing the state of CustomPaint widget So let’s get back to the example with three circles. Create a StatefulWidget Since…

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Detecting Clicks On Overlapping CustomPaint Widgets

This post will describe how to detect which figure is clicked when there are multiple overlapping figures. We are going to start by showing how to do this for three overlapping figures. After that, we are going to apply it to the hexagon grid from the previous post. Detecting clicks on three overlapping figures So instead of hexagons, let’s draw something else. We are going to draw three circles, so for this circle, we need a new CustomPainter. As described…

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Drawing a Hexagon Grid in Flutter

This post aims to show you how to extend the CustomPaint to draw your own figures. We will also draw multiple CustomPaint Widgets on the same canvas so that we can reuse our figure and draw it multiple times. This post uses a hexagon as an example, but it can be done with any figure. Drawing a hexagon The goal is to draw a hexagon. We can extend the CustomPaint to draw a hexagon. The CustomPaint widget expects a painter.…

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